Healthy and well-groomed skin is the key to beauty and confidence of every woman. The best way to preserve and improve your appearance is a comprehensive professional one cosmetic care under your own skin.

When should you contact a cosmetologist?

  • manifestations of age changes: problem skin, acne;

  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • black eels, white eels (prasyanka), ordinary eels;
  • nevi, moles, birthmarks;
  • the presence of papillomas, warts, herpes, ringworm on the face;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • the presence of various scars, scars, stretch marks on the face and body;
  • wrinkles, change in the oval of the face.

In the "Vitamin" medical center, you can undergo rejuvenation procedures with the help of various modern injection, hardware and traditional methods. Our work is based on an individual approach to each patient and modern anti-aging methods.

Specialists of the Vitamin medical center

Service Aesthetic medicine
Aesthetic medicine - Vitamin Medical Center

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