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PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: a qualified specialist in the field of urology and andrology, deals with the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility, chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs, prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, diseases of the external genital organs.

Procedures and operations performed by the doctor:
1) One-day urology, outpatient urology, performance of "small" urological operations:
- plastic frenulum of the penis
- circumcisio
– excision of hydrocele (Winkelmann-Bergmann operation)
– excision of epididymal cyst
- removal of polyps, papillomas, genital warts
- removal of varicocele
– orchiectomy (removal of the testicle)
- treatment of strictures of the external opening of the urethra
– puncture biopsy of the prostate gland
– PRP therapy – plasmolifting of the penis (erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease)
– shock wave therapy for prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia
– LOD therapy for erectile dysfunction
2) Oncourology – tumors of the prostate, kidney, bladder, and testicles
3) Treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, male infertility, sexually transmitted infections
4) Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases and complications related to them:
– abscesses (epididymis, kidneys, prostate)
- purulent-inflammatory kidney diseases

2016 – graduated from Uzhgorod National University
2016-2018 - completed an internship in the specialty "Urology" at the ZOKL named after A. Novak in Uzhgorod
2018-2019 - worked at the Perechyn District Hospital
2019-2021 - clinical residency in the specialty "Urology" on the basis of ZOKL named after A. Novak in Uzhgorod
2021 - certified in the specialty "Urology": second category.
Attending conferences and improvement courses:
- scientific and practical: "Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of oncourological diseases"
- scientific and medical symposium: "Urogenital infections. Interdisciplinary approach"
- "Minimally invasive technologies in urology"
- "Solutions for complex issues of management of urological patients"
- distance improvement courses: "Male infertility: diagnosis, treatment, overcoming", "Testosterone in a man's life"
– webinars with international participation in the format of master classes: "All about men's health", "All about men's health"
– MoLEP webinar: "Ideal treatment of BPH in the era of COV-19"
- participated in the work of professional schools: "Premature ejaculation? BPH? Modern approaches to solving these problems", "Benign prostatic hyperplasia and sex life during and after COV-19", "Overcoming chronic prostatitis and its consequences. Myths and reality"
– conference with ACCME international accreditation: "ESAU autumn meeting 2021"
– 2021 – congress of the Association of Urologists of Ukraine
- conference: "Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy. Secrets of success"
– conferences with international participation: "Urology, andrology, nephrology - achievements, problems, solutions", "Participated in the ESU course on Kidney cancer"
– scientific and practical oncourology conference: "Movember - 2019"
scientific and practical conference: "Minimally invasive technologies in urology"

Oleksandr Antonovych Kurkutov - Vitamin Medical Center

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