Candidate of medical sciences in "oncology" since 1985.

CATEGORY: higher

MEDICAL INTERNSHIP: 40 years (in clinical oncology since March 1982)

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: an oncologist, a mammologist who examines and consults patients with oncological diseases (except oncohematology). Has knowledge of the symptoms of cancer, diagnoses cancer and precancerous conditions of the mammary gland, prevention of neoplasms of the mammary gland.
During the consultation, the doctor also performs ultrasound diagnostics of the mammary glands.

1979 – graduated with honors from the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Institute
1979-1980 - completed an internship in the specialty "Surgery"
1980 – completed post-graduate studies at the Institute of Oncology Problems named after R.E. Kavetsky
since September 2008 – associate professor of the Department of Oncology and Radiology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State Medical University "UzhNU"

Zhero Svyatoslav Vladyslavovich - Vitamin Medical Center

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