

Gynecology in Uzhhorod, Vitamin Medical Center.

The female body is a multi-component, complex system where different changes and hormonal changes occur in each age period. Apply for consultation of a gynecologist, it is worthwhile to undergo a preventive examination even in the absence of complaints, because most gynecological problems remain unnoticed due to the absence of symptoms in the early stages.

When should you consult a gynecologist at the "Vitamin" medical center in Uzhhorod?

  • Preventive examination
  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases

  • Preparation for pregnancy, diagnosis of pregnancy and observation during it

  • Diagnosis of the causes of infertility.

  • Correction of unwanted phenomena that appear with age

  • Treatment of diseases caused by hormonal imbalance

How is a gynecologist consultation?

1 Stage: Collection of information
An appointment with a gynecologist begins with a preliminary conversation with the patient, during which the doctor finds out the reason for the visit, complaints and medical history.

2 Stage: Review
The doctor will conduct a special examination on a gynecological chair with an increased level of comfort. In this case, a one-time set is used, the cost of which is included in the consultation. If necessary, the gynecologist will offer to carry out cytological and colposcopic examination of the cervix, analysis of vaginal secretions, PAPP test. These studies are not included in the cost of the basic consultation.

3 Stage: Establishing a diagnosis and treatment regimen
The doctor establishes a preliminary diagnosis, issues an advisory opinion, a treatment plan and, if necessary, recommendations for additional examinations.

Diagnosis of the disease and appointment of effective treatment is carried out only by qualified gynecologists with many years of work experience after conducting the necessary examination.

A high-quality modern colposcope of a leading company is used for diagnosis and manipulation "Scanner" 2019.

If necessary, ultrasound diagnostics can be prescribed, which can be performed in our medical center on a modern SAMSUNG ultrasound machine (year 2015).


Colposcopy is a diagnostic research method that allows you to examine the cervix, vagina and external genitalia with multiple magnifications. Colposcopy at the "Vitamin" medical center allows you to detect precancerous conditions or cervical cancer, assess the size of the lesion, conduct a targeted biopsy and take scrapings.

A high-quality modern colposcope of a leading company is used for diagnosis and manipulation "Scanner" 2019

At the consultation, the gynecologist prescribes a colposcopy for routine and differential diagnosis of pathological changes in the vaginal part of the cervix, walls of the vagina and vulva.

For what symptom is colposcopy prescribed?

  • excessive or scanty menstrual bleeding;
  • extramenstrual bleeding / spotting;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • amenorrhea;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • skin itching and pain;
  • sharp, sharp, pulling or long-lasting pain in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • pathological secretions (white, cheesy, yellow, gray, greenish, brown).

All women under the age of 40 are recommended to undergo a colposcopy and oncocytological examination during the annual preventive examination at the gynecologist. For women over 40 years of age, colposcopy of the cervix is indicated once every 6 months.

How is the colposcopy procedure?

Cervical examination is performed in a gynecological chair of increased comfort, but lasts a little longer than a regular examination. First, ordinary vaginal speculums are inserted into the vagina, after which a video colposcope examination is performed.

Is it necessary to prepare for colposcopy?

Preparation for colposcopy includes abstaining from sexual contact and the use of vaginal contraceptives the day before the examination. Immediately before the examination, you need to empty your bladder.

Specialists of the Vitamin medical center

Service Gynecology
Gynecology - Vitamin Medical Center

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